Two Bedroom
2 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 982 sq ft.
Private: $840/mo
Your college years may be temporary, but that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be memorable! At The Stretch, University of Kentucky students can entertain, study, and relax in a contemporary living space designed for them. Our two-bedroom and four-bedroom Lexington apartments are hand-curated to include modern furnishings, elegant fixtures, and quality appliances. Make the most of your college experience at our UK student apartments!
We really mean yours!
Say goodbye to the stress of joint agreements. At The Stretch, we participate in by-the-bed leasing. You are only responsible for your bedroom and the common areas, giving you peace of mind.
If ya need
Meet your next best friend! Our roommate-matching questionnaire gathers data on your personality, sleeping habits, and daily schedule to find the perfect person for you.
It's just that easy
When you lease with The Stretch, you embrace comfortable, luxurious student living that is tailored to your lifestyle. Our fully furnished Lexington student apartments are only a click (or tour) away! Contact us today for more information.
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2 Bedrooms | 2 Bathrooms | 982 sq ft.
Private: $840/mo
4 Bedrooms | 4 Bathrooms | 1292 sq ft.
Private: $675/mo
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